
Mian Adil Rashid

Patron-in-Chief Central Group of Colleges

Dear Parents, students and well-wishers of the Central family- my prayerful greetings to all of you. First of all, I would like to express my deep sentiments of gratitude to every one of you for your constant support, love and concern towards the college which enables and encourages us to strive hard to carry forward the mission of spreading value-based knowledge to one and all.

Education is not an act of acquiring knowledge but learning a skill to lead life and forming one’s personality. This is an ennobling process of growth. I can boldly say that we have excelled in every initiative that we undertook and we have stood together in facing the challenges in realizing quality education. 

We assure you that your future is in safe and professional hands. Our mission is to provide quality education in very economical fee structure. Our fully dedicated staff is ready to polish your skills and fully prepare you for future challenges.

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